From: Sue Dutton Rodgers <oldolls@ipa.net>
Subject: ZDUTTONList
Date: 1998-07-01 23:18:09
Well, I'm not sure I can say HI CUZZINS yet...as Joseph explained, my
line has not yet hooked up with ya'lls!  But let me introduce myself
anyway and I hope you won't mind if I participate with the Zachariah
list.  I've done so much batting around North Alabama on line looking
for Duttons that I FEEL like a cuzzin anyway.

My name is Sue Dutton Rodgers and everyone calls me Susie.  I started
researching my Duttons about a year and a half ago, and I am addicted!! 
One of the FIRST things I got told...and told....and told <grin> was
that my line is NOT one of them Duttons from England!!!  WElll.....so
far they're RIGHT!!  I have a full database of the Pennsylvania Duttons
and another one chock full of those New England Duttons....and my line
doesn't fit in there anywhere!!!

So with over 20,000 Duttons in my databases I have begun a book.  I plan
to write about all those Duttons who DIDN'T come from England to New
England and Pennsylvania.(well they came from England, they just didn't
go to those two places.)
But enough of that, Joseph plans to write on Zachariah Dutton and
descendants and I certainly won't be stepping on his toes with anything
I do.  Hopefully we can only compliment each other.

Let me tell you about my Duttons.  I have a David Dutton, b. abt 1730,
don't know where or IF he is connected, but I find him on a 1767
tithables list in Augusta Co. VA.  The first Dutton I know is mine is
Jeremiah Dutton, b. abt 1750 in pr. Botetourt Co, Va., at least he is on
a tax list in 1771 in that county, which is right next door to this
David Dutton who may or may not be mine!!

Jeremiah is next found buying land in 1773 in Greenville Co, S.C. and
has a brother with him, Daniel Dutton, b. abt 1735.  Jeremiah had two
known sons, Samuel, b. abt 1773 and my 4ggrandfather, John Dutton, b.
1774 both in S.C.  Daniel had two known sons, James, b. abt 1778 and
Thomas, b. abt 1780.  I have lots of land records in that area, until
1797 when all my Duttons left S.C.

I don't know where Samuel went.  That's how Joseph and I figured out
that the Samuel Dutton who was in Lawrence County in early 1800 wasn't
your Samuel like we all naturally thought.  I was huntin' Samuel
Duttons, found Judy Knight who descends from Samuel Sneed Dutton.  We
all thought this might be my Samuel Dutton....but Noooo.  I had to give
Judy's Samuel to Joseph...and we both had to "throw out" Samuel who was
in Lawrence County before any of Zachariah's kids got there.  Seems he
came down from Washington Co, KY, and looks like from Pa before that. 
AND I STILL don't know where my Samuel went!!!  But...I have a

My John Dutton went from S.C. in 1797 to somewhere in N.C. and married
Susannah Stepp whose family was in and around Wilkes Co. N.C. and they
went on to Scott County, Va., then some to Kentucky then wound up in NW
AR   Those Duttons I have down pat...well you know, sort of.

It's Samuel Dutton, brother to my John, Daniel Dutton, brother to
Jeremiah, and Daniel's two known sons, James and Thomas, that I am
theorizing went to Georgia, Elbert County, then Thomas moved on West
into NW Georgia. Interestingly, there were Penns who were in Elbert
County, Ga. at the same time as my Duttons, and I am actively pursuing
information on them and where they came from, etc.   So how does all
this make me interested in the Maryland Duttons you ask???

An Abraham Dutton came to Maryland in 1663.  At the same time Samuel
Lane and wife Grace came to Maryland.  They named their first born son
Dutton Lane.  If any of you have run across Lane researchers, you will
know that the name Dutton Lane comes down thru MANY generations.  I
believe that Grace, wife of Samuel was a Dutton, probably sister to
Abraham Dutton.  My Duttons intermarried with Lanes, etc. lived in the
same county Scott, VA with a Dutton Lane, etc.

I will not bore you any longer with my theories, I have lots of
indications that my Jeremiah descends from Maryland Duttons....we'll
figure it out.  Meantime...I do not plan to spend your valuable time on
the list telling you about my Duttons.  I just ask that you allow me to
participate, hopefully contribute information as I find it on your lines
and at whatever point our lines intersect,.....we'll have a big ole

One more thing..Joseph has a copy of my entire Dutton line and he can
attest to this.  Looking at my line of Duttons is JUST like looking at
your own...the names are almost identical, all those John, James, George
Washingtons!!!  There's gotta be a connection somewhere.

Anyway, that's who I am and what I'm doing in your discussion group. 
You won't kick me out cuz I'm not a real cuzzin yet, will you???  Susie

Oh!oh!oh!, one more thing.  In my database I have a German family of
"Duttons"  They were Whythe Co. Va. before 1800 and the name
Derting/Darting gradually evolved down thru the years until by about
1840 most of their descendants were Duttons!!  The progenitor of this
Dutton clan was Johann Derting who came to America from Germany!!  You
ought to try charting THAT family chart!!  Keeps me going!!

Okay I'm thru, I promise!!  S

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