From: <>
Subject: Re: ZDUTTON —-S B Dutton
Date: 1998-07-30 10:45:39
Eula and everybody else, I think that the SB Dutton you are seeing is my Silas Benton Dutton from the Franklin County, TN, Sewanee area. Here is where I got this info: He and Chesley, his uncle, served for the South. TENNESSIANS IN THE CIVIL WAR----PART 2 Dutton, Abraham-------Pvt. K. Co. 40th Inf. Dutton, Alexander-----Pvt. K. Co. 40th Inf. Dutton, Chesley J.-----Pvt. J. Co. 17th Inf. Dutton, Ephraim------- Pvt. A Co. 9th Cav. Dutton, Minister J------Pvt. K Co. 40th Inf. Dutton, M. P.------------Pvt. K Co. 40th Inf. Dutton P. S.-------------Pvt. B. Co. 2nd Inf. Bn. Dutton, Silas B-------- Pvt. 1 Co. 17 th Inf. Dutton, Wiley--------- Pvt. E Co. 24th Inf. I know that Silas B and Chesley are definitely my Duttons. I am pretty sure that the Ephraim and Wiley are also my Duttons. Cannot identify the others. Can any of you? Can any of you connect your Duttons with a Chavers/Chavours/Shavers name? How about a Lynch? My mama Dutton, Mary, who was probably the Cherokee, may have had that name. Joseph, thank you for allowing me to remain in your group. I know that I don't belong, but the only way that I can find out who my Duttons are is by finding out who they aren't. Forget about what happended. I have. Thanks. Artie