From: <>
Subject: ZDUTTON — Thanks for pictures — Chickasha — Dutton characteristics
Date: 1998-07-26 19:17:24
Joseph, Thank you very much for the headstone pictures you sent. The quality of the prints was outstanding. I know how frustrating it is to try to match up names with other names, especially when a lot of initials are involved. When we search the Woodworths it gets confusing because brothers name their sons after their brothers instead of themselves. Through diligent research and people pooling their findings, (just like the Duttons are doing now) Woody can trace his ancestor, Walter Woodworth, back to 1635. Woody and I plan to make a pilgrimage in the future to the cemetery there in Alabama. I hope we can make arrangements to meet you then. To Eula: My mother's family (McGrew) was from Chickasha. As a matter of fact one of them had a service station and motel (actually it was called a motor court back in those days) on the east side of town. I fear it also doubled as a front for the real family business of bootlegging. I'm proud to say the family is no longer in that line of work. To Cousins: Just curious to see if any of the following characteristics from my Texas/Oklahoma Duttons are repeated in the rest of the clan, Dark brown eyes, very dark hair without much gray in it even after most other people's hair has turned gray, quiet, and above all a strong religious background. My Duttons back for four generations were all members of the Church of Christ. I guess I am the black sheep of the family because I'm Southern Baptist. Well actually I'm also not very quiet, my hair has more gray than I'll ever let show (thanks to the beauty shop) and my eyes are cesspool green--Guess I took more after Mom's side of the family. I guess that is enough of my meandering. If any of you all are out this way just let us know. We have a guest room and would be pleased to accommodate family. We're a great stopover if you are headed east or west. Esp for the new members: And one more thing -- we've been saving all of the group memos and pasting them into a single file. By eliminating computer gibberish, carriage returns, some quote duplications, repeat address headers, and putting it in small 10 CPI print, we've gotten the file down to only 82 pages. Quotes were put in italics. If anyone wants a copy by e-mail attachment or snail mail, let me know. Also let me know what word processor you have and maybe I can convert it to something compatible without losing the italics, font size, and tabs. Betty and Woody