From: <>
Subject: Re: ZDUTTON
Date: 1998-07-25 19:23:28
Hi, everybody, I'm back from our vacation to Myrtle Beach. I think that the South is so beautiful and those of you that live there are so fortunate. Here in IL it is flat and boring. I really hated to come back home. Went to the Archives in Columbia SC on a Sunday afternooon from 2:00 until it closed at 5. Got all that I could in that short time. They were closed all day on Monday, so that was my only chance. Susie, I focused on trying to find a marriage for Jeremiah or Daniel Dutton. Went through all the early marriage sources they had and did not find either. The librarian said that it is possible they might show up in NC. I spend 1 day at the Greenwood, SC regional library to look at the Abbeville and area SC and GA records. They did not have as much as I hoped they would. The best place I went to was in Athens, GA. I spend the entire day there and wish I had more time to spend there. That library is full of goodies, and not just for GA. It is a new, big library and has everything------some excellent books and volumes. If anyone gets a chance to go there, do it. It will be well worth your time. I just touched upon the tip of all the sources there. They even have all the civil war records for both sides and Cherokee books----all the rolls and those that applied and were refused. There is also much on the various religions, ministers, conferences, and they go way back. Athens is a lovely town and is a great place to visit. Some of you may already have some of the info that I recorded so please bear with me. I had little data, except what I got from Susie, so most of it was new to me. I will send what I got from GA in this message. I did many census rolls as we think that my Duttons may have been in Elbert County, GA. In a book, A LIST OF THE EARLY SETTLERS OF GA, edited by E. Merton Coulter and Albert B. Saye, in Part II-----Persons who went from Europe to GA on their own account, was: 350: James Dutton-----run away to Carolina in August of 1742 351: His wife, name not given, she's dead since. 352: Child of James Dutton, dead by July, 1742 ______________________________________________________________________ In a book, EARLY GA RECORDS----VOL. 1& 2----WILKES COUNTY------- Page 217: Ellington, David, desc., est. Jane Ellington, exect. Account of sale of personal property. March 5, 1821, slave each sold to Zachariah Durten?, Charles H., Mildred, Henry F., and Jane Ellington, & Daniel Dupree. ______________________________________________________________________ PENSION LIST OF 1820 FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR Asa Dutton, 249, sergeant------Connecticut Line Ephraim Dutton, 304, private----MA Line John Dutton, 16, private--------New Hampshire Line Oliver Dutton, 249, sergeant, Connecticut Line Timothy Dutton, 144, private, MA Line Titus Dutton, 372, lieutenant, Connecticut Line William Dutton, 303, private------MA Line I was quite interested in this since one of my Duttons is named Ephraim. ______________________________________________________________________ 1820 ELBERT COUNTY, GA census Page 177 Thomas Dutton 4 free white males under 10 2 free white males 16-26 1 free white male 45 and up 4 free white females under 10 1 free white female 26-45 3 of these persons are involved in agriculture. James Dutton 1 free white male under 10 2 free white males 10-16 1 free white male 45 and up 1 free white female 10-16 1 free white female 16-26 1 free white female 26-45 2 persons are involved in agriculture These are the only Duttons on the 1820 GA census. ______________________________________________________________________ 1830 ELBERT COUNTY, GA CENSUS Page 152 James Dutton 1 male 5 or under 1 male 15-20 3 males 20-30 1 male 50-60 1 female 20-30 1 female 30-40 1 female 50-60 He had 3 male slaves under 10 and i male slave 24-36. same page Samuel Dottins? 2 males 5-10 1 male 30-40 3 females under 5 1 female 20-30 He had no slaves. page 128 James Dutton 1 male 20-30 1 female under 5 1 female 20-30 He had no slaves. page 121 Thomas Dutton 1 male under 5 1 male 5-10 1 male 10-15 1 male 20-30 1 male 50-60 1 female under 5 1 female 5-10 1 female 15-20 1 female 40-50 He had the following slaves: 1 male under 10 1 male 10-24 1 male 24-36 1 male 36-55 6 females under 10 1 female 10-24 2 females 24-36 1 female 36-55 1 female 55-100 He had the following free persons of color: 1 female FPOC under 10 1 male FPOC under 10 1 female FPOC 24-36 1 female FPOC 100 or over! 1830 BULLOCH COUNTY, GA Henry Dutton 1 male under 5 3 males 5-10 1 male 30-40 1 female 10-15 1 female 15-20 1 female 20-30 These are all the Duttons on the 1830 GA census. ______________________________________________________________________ 1840 ELBERT COUNTY, GA CENSUS Thomas Dutton 2 males 15-20 2 males 20-30 1 male 70-80 1 female 10-15 1 female 20-30 1 female 60-70 2 of the above persons were farmers and 5 out of the 6 can't read or write. What happened to all his slaves and the free persons of color? Thomas Dutton 3 males under 5 1 male 30-40 1 female under 5 1 female 5-10 1 female 10-15 1 female 20-30 1 of the above persons is a farmer, 2 can't read and write, and 1 is deaf and dumb. 1840 BULLOCH COUNTY, GA CENSUS Henry Dutton 2 males under 5 1 male 5-10 1 male 10-15 3 males 15-20 2 males 20-30 1 male 50-60 1 female 5-10 1 female 20-30 1 female 40-50 He had some slaves now. 1 male 10-24 1 male 36-55 1 female under 10 1 female 10-24 1 female 36-55 5 persons above were farmers. 1840 BULLOCH COUNTY, GA CENSUS Mann Dutton 1 male 40-50 1 female 5-10 1 female 15-20 female 40-50 He had some slaves. 2 males under 10 2 males 10-24 1 male 24-36 3 females under 10 2 females 10-24 5 persons of the above were farmers. 1 was involved in manufacturing and trading. 1840 MERRIWETHER COUNTY, GA Memory Dutton 1 male 15-20 1 male 30-40 1 female 30-40 1840 MERRIWEHTER COUNTY, GA CENSUS James Dutton 1 male under 5 1 male 60-70 1 female 20-30 1 female 60-70 1840 IRWIN COUNTY, GA CENSUS William F. Dutton 1 male 50-60 1 female 30-40 1840 MUSCOGEE COUNTY, GA CENSUS Thomas W. Dutton 1 male under 5 1 male 5-10 1 male 10-15 1 male 30-40 2 females 10-15 1 female 15-20 1 female 20-30 1 female 40-50 That's all of the Duttons on the 1840 GA census ______________________________________________________________________ 1850 ELBERT COUNTY, GA CENSUS S. Dutton-----male----24----farmer--born in GA----can't read or write S. Dutton----wife----- 26----born in GA------cann't read or write J. Dutton-----male----7----born in GA----attending school J. E. Dutton----male---4----born in GA J. W. Dutton---male----9 months------born in GA 1850 BULLOCH COUNTY, GA CENSUS Charles Wilson -----48--has $1,000.00------born in NC Elizabeth Wilson----28----------------------born in GA Martha Wilson-------38------------------born in GA Julia Wilson---------12---------------born in GA Mary Jane Wilson-----6--------born in GA Woodrow Wilson-----2 months------born in GA Eames? Dutton------26-------hired hand------born in GA 1850 BULLOCH COUNTY, GA CENSUS Samuel Dutton------29------farmer-----$200.00-------born in GA Sarah or Hanah Dutton---31-----------born in GA Thomas Dutton-----3----------born in GA Sarah or Hanah Dutton---2---------born in GA 1850 BULLOCH COUNTY, GA CENSUS Henry Dutton------61-----carpenter-----$1,000.00------born in MA Anne Dutton------49-----born in GA Joseph Dutton----24----born in GA Andrew Dutton----21---born in GA William Dutton----19---born in GA Mary Dutton------15-----born in GA John Wesly Dutton----13----born in GA Overton Dutton-------10-----born in GA Martha Dutton-------7-------born in GA It seems that these Duttons and several Wilson families were friends. 1850 BULLOCH COUNTY, GA CENSUS Mann Dutton-----53-----Minister of the Gospel------born in VA Elizabeth Dutton---57-------born in GA I think that Mann Dutton was a Methodist Episcopalian Minister. Family says that my Duttons were Southern Episcopalian Methodists. 1850 GWINNET COUNTY, GA CENSUS Chandler Dutton-----22-----farmer-----$500.00---born in SC---can't read or write Sarah Dutton------21------born in GA 1850 GWINNET COUNTY, GA CENSUS------CATES DISTRICT William Dutton---58-------farmer-----born in GA Nancy Dutton----45------born in SC George W. Dutton-----16---born in GA Sarah Dutton------14----born in GA Martin Dutton----12----born in GA Joel Dutton-------10-----born in GA John Dutton----9-------born in GA James Dutton-----6------born in GA Andrew Dutton----3---- born in GA 1850 MERRIWEHTER COUNTY, GA CENSUS James Dutton-----30----no occupation-----born in GA Nancy Dutton-----71------born in GA Elizabeth Dutton---30----born in GA Dempsey Dutton----10---born in GA Malissa J. Dutton---5-----born in GA 1850 FLOYD COUNTY, GA CENSUS Jackson Dutton-------37----farmer------born in GA Jane Dutton-------18--------born in GA neighbor was a Jacob Pryer-----33---mechanic----born in NC-----$2,500.00 1850 FLOYD COUNTY, GA CENSUS Thomas Dutton------53------farmer-----born in GA Miram Dutton--------41--------born in SC Harry or Henry Dutton------21-----farmer------born in SC Lucinda Dutton----18-------born in SC 1850 FORSYTHE COUNTY, GA CENSUS Rebecca Dutton--------39------born in SC------can't read or write she is living next door to G.P. Bruce------35----farmer-----born in SC 1850 COWETTA COUNTY, GA CENSUS John Dutton-----27----blacksmith------born in GA Martha A. Dutton----27---------can't read or write, born in GA Eliza. J. Dutton-----6-----born in GA Emeline Dutton----4-----born in GA Zachariah? Dutton---2----born in GA Mahala Dutton----6 months-----born in GA James Sprathen?-----12------born in GA 1850 MUSCOGEE COUNTY, GA CENSUS Mrs. Rachael Dutton----38-----born in GA Martha Garrison--------22-----born in GA Henry Dutton-----18-----printer or painter-----born in GA Mary A. Dutton----7-----born in GA Mrs. Sarah Rus?----59----born in GA they lived next door to a James Baldwin: James Baldwin -----37----painter------$500.00-----born in New York Martha Baldwin-----29-----born in GA Mary Baldwin--------12----born in GA Sarah Baldwin------9-----born in GA James R. Baldwin----7----born in GA William Baldwin------3------born in GA Mrs. Sarah Dutton------41----born in NC These are all of the Dutton on the 1850 GA Census except for my Patrick and Thomas, who were in Dade County, GA. Will send that and the slave scedules for the GA Duttons for 1850 and 1860 in the next message. Have to take a break to fix supper. Artie