
Welcome to the Zachariah Dutton Genealogy Web, the website dedicated to researching and remembering the family and descendants of Zachariah Dutton, a Southern Maryland Revolutionary patriot who migrated to Granville County, North Carolina, and whose descendants migrated throughout the Southern United States.

Here you’ll find a family pages covering Zachariah Dutton and his immediate descendants (including a full-name index), a collection of family photographs, as well as some helpful sources and reports. It is my hope to make contact with other cousins across the nation and globe and give them the resources to make a connection to the family. If you are a cousin, please say hi!

—Joseph T. Richardson (Cousin Joseph)

The Dutton Book

book title pageI’m very proud to present to you my first Dutton book, entitled Stories from the Old House: William Dutton (c. 1777-c.1855) of Morgan County, Alabama, and His Descendants. It presents an introduction to the Zachariah Dutton family, and then focuses on my immediate ancestor, Dr. William Dutton of Basham’s Gap, Morgan County, Alabama, and a number of related families.



  • The Zachariah Dutton Blog, where I’ll share articles and thoughts about Zachariah Dutton and genealogy.

Family Information
